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Connecting YOU 

to your 

Inner Cosmos


Divine Spark


We will get to the root of your health concerns and rebuild the foundation of your health.

Discover how


High Quality Supplements,
Bach Flower Remedies 
can support YOU!

Let's get started!!

​© 2024 by Sonia Casey,LLC. 

“Solara's work is Amazing!!!💖✨✨ I've known Solara for 12 years as a dear friend and she has also been my Herbalist for at least 5-7 of those 12 years.  Solara is like a ninja for the body and her herbs have helped me move thru many physical and emotional pieces as well as moments of major life changes on my path.  Solara holds such a powerful and loving space for whatever needs to arise and be seen, witnessed, heard and felt so the core issue can be accessed for full healing and resolution. I have worked with her herbs, tinctures, bath salts, lotions, creams, Bach Remedy flower essences, Cell Core product lines, essential oils, etc and they have all been key in my healing journey.  Solara's tinctures are so special and really speak to the love and sacredness she pours into everything she does and creates.  I have also experienced a month long plant class she led and learned so much about identifying plants, making my own tinctures, hand harvesting plants for teas, etc In that class I received an herbal first aid kit that she created and it is my go to kit for myself and those close to me when needed.  If you are considering a session with Solara, I highly recommend it!!✨  I find her work to be quantum and multi-dimensional as well as very Earthy and grounded.  After a session, I feel so supported, open-hearted, grounded and home within myself.  Solara's pure heart and deep wisdom will hold a space for you to be guided in whatever ways are needed for you for your highest good and greatest joy!🌻🌿”


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